Show All Bidder Donations In Thermometer

The Progress Tracker element using Type Thermometer can be configured to automatically reflect the event income from various pre-defined sources. See Amount Source for more information on these.

Add Donations External To Auctria

If you would like to include donations not made through your Auctria event website, you can add those donations through the event dashboard using the How To Record Donations function. The donation will then be reflected in the "Total Income" and can be seen in the Progress Tracker "Amount Raised" value.


Donations must be associated with a Bidder record. If you wanted to add the donations as a lump sum, you can create a "catch-all" bidder record called, for example, Cash.


The Progress Tracker Amount Source must be configured to "Total event income" or "Total bidder donations" in these scenarios.

Recording Donations

To record these "Cash" donations you would leave the Item field blank and then select your bidder record as appropriate, for example, using the specific bidder for the donation or the Cash "catch-all bidder record.

In the Payments section, you would use the Other tab to capture the transaction as "Paid" (using the default "Cash" method will work) and not leave an outstanding balance.

Last reviewed: February 2023
Show All Bidder Donations In Thermometer