One of the more common Communications you might want to send out is a Participant Statement to those Participants With A Balance. Start by going to the Participants dashboard by clicking the Participants entry on the left sidebar.
An example from a demonstration event.
From the Participants Page you can click through the Statements button under the sidebar Communication menu.
An example from a demonstration event.
On the Participant Statements page, click the Email Statements button on the left sidebar.
An example from a demonstration event.
From the Statements page, you can select the appropriate Recipients filter by clicking on its drop-down selector.
The Recipients filter defaults to the Participants With Activity option with the participants that will be send the email being displayed in the list below.
An example from a demonstration event.
Changing the Recipients filter will automatically update the listed participants.
An example from a demonstration event.
The Recipients filter is used in many places. There are many common uses with other System Emails as well as Custom Emails such as, for example, sending "Thank You" notes to your fundraiser participants.
Once you have your Recipients filter set appropriately, you can click on the Send Statements button under the Actions sidebar menu. This will pop-up a confirmation window noting how many participants will be emailed.
Clicking the Continue button will send the email statements.
Financial Reports Financial reports for Bidder Accounts, Payments, Credit Cards, Sales Tax, Expenses, Income, Income Summary, Income By Table, and All Events.