Examples: Shipping

Fixed Shipping Cost

In those cases where you want to set a Fixed Shipping Cost, you must put the values for Default shipping cost and Max shipping cost equal to the "fixed" shipping cost.


Example: Fixed (mandatory) shipping cost of $25.00

Fulfillment Options Setting

You can provide a list of Fulfillment Options to bidders that will appear in the checkout screens. The options you want to make available will be entered in a separate list of commas (,).


Fulfillment Options Shipping

Pickup in East End,Pickup in West End,Shipping:$

This will provide three (3) options for the bidders to choose from in the checkout process. The first two options, in this case, are for two different "Pick-Up" locations, and the third option will add the default shipping amount to the bidder's account.

Last reviewed: April 2024
Examples: Shipping
Some common examples of how the Shipping options can be used.