How To Change The Contact Email Address
The main Organization Email address is set under the Organization Contact Information section. By default, it is the email address of the original license holder, but it is often changed to something used by the Organization for informational purposes.
To see this information from the main Event Dashboard, click through the Organization sidebar menu entry. This will open the Organization dashboard.

An example taken from a demonstration event organization.How To Edit Dashboard Panel Settings
You can edit panel settings by clicking on the pencil icon to open the panel for editing.

Panel in "saved" mode.Once you have made your changes, click the checkmark icon to save these changes. If you have opened multiple panels in a dashboard, you must click each checkmark to keep their settings.

Panel in "edit" mode.You can click the return arrow icon if you do not want to save your changes.
Email - This is the Organization's main "Contact" email address and will appear where an organization email is called for on the Event Website.
Billing Email - This email email address will be used as an internal reference for Event for who we should contact about billing and license renewals. If this field is left blank, the Email address above will be used by default.
Phone - This is used for reference purposes only.
Website - This is used for reference purposes only.
Last reviewed: August 2024