How To Edit Expenses
From the main Event Dashboard, click through the Expenses entry and then the All Expenses button on the Expenses Dashboard sidebar. This will open the Expenses list report.

An example taken from a demonstration event.
An example taken from a demonstration event.On the Expenses list report, double-click or select a row and click View Record. This will open the record for editing.
How To Edit Or View Report Table Records
By Row
Click the Options icon (3 dots) at the right end of the record row, and then select an option (View Details, View in New Tab, Edit Record, or Delete Record).

An example from a demonstration event. By Selected Record
Check the box on the left side of the record row, then click the View Record or the Delete button as needed for the action you want to apply.

An example from a demonstration event.
Click the edit icon (pencil) to make changes to the record.How To Edit Dashboard Panel Settings
You can edit panel settings by clicking on the pencil icon to open the panel for editing.

Panel in "saved" mode.Once you have made your changes, click the checkmark icon to save these changes. If you have opened multiple panels in a dashboard, you must click each checkmark to keep their settings.

Panel in "edit" mode.You can click the return arrow icon if you do not want to save your changes.
To delete the Expense shown, click Delete Expense.

Last reviewed: January 2024