Using The Mass Changes Feature Set

Mass Changes is a Report-based feature set. It manages Reports table bulk editing.

About Mass Changes

It is available from any table-style report in Auctria. It can be triggered to modify any number of records in the report, from a single record to all displayed records.

The Mass Changes feature is not just about modification; it's also about efficiency. As a 'Mass Change' functionality, you can delete multiple selected displayed records simultaneously.

With the Mass Changes feature, you can do more than modify records. It also allows you to change, update, or delete Tags from multiple selected displayed records.

Below are some popular pages that can help you better understand how the Mass Changes feature set can be used to manage the records you keep in Auctria for your events.

How To Make Mass Changes

The Make Mass Changes option can quickly make bulk changes to multiple records in any table view report you can generate within Auctria.

WARNING -- Use With Care

This is a potent tool for manipulating your data. In general, using the Mass Changes feature set will not trigger any other logic around the change.

See How To Bulk Edit Multiple Records for more information.

How To Delete Multiple Records

Multiple records can be selected and bulk deleted using the options to select individual records in a table view or select all of the records in a table view of the report.

See Deleting Selected Multiple Records for more information.

How To Modify Record Tags

Using the Mass Changes feature set, you can easily modify, change, edit, and remove Tags from Auctria records. The multiple tag editing option is one of the available options built into Mass Changes.

See How To Bulk Edit Tags for more information.

Example Uses

How To Bulk Change Sales Tax Categories

The Sales Tax Categories will often be set up after many items have already been added. In these cases, you can quickly and easily set the Sales Tax Category for many items at once using the Mass Changes feature in Auctria.

See Changing Sales Tax Categories for more information.

Last reviewed: August 2024
Using The Mass Changes Feature Set
Mass Changes is a Report-based feature set. It manages Reports table bulk editing.