Check-In Options

Clicking the Options action will open the Participant Check-in Options page.


An example taken from a demonstration event.

Check-in Options

  • Additional participant fields to show in check-in list
    This will allow you to add fields as a separate list of participant fields to show on the check-in page. See Participants Template Reference for fields. Also, the intent is for "simple fields" to be used here, such as Notes or Company.



    Added Options fields may not show up without refreshing your browser. In rare cases, it may take a few minutes for caches to clear.

Check-in Actions


  • Send email on check-in
    Default: Yes. This uses the Participant Check-in System Email.
  • Send text on check-in
    Default: Yes. This requires the Text Messages feature to be enabled.
  • Check-in text content
    Welcome to {{ Auction.Name }}.
    Your personalized event link is {{ Bidder.ShortSignInUrl }} or use your access code {{ Bidder.AccessCode }}.
    You are Paddle# {{ Bidder.Number }}.
    Reply 'stop' to prevent further texts.

    Displayed with line breaks for reference purposes only.

Last reviewed: September 2023
Check-In Options