
The Item Details Activity tab is where the item bids and/or purchase transactions are recorded. This is also where you can manage those bids and purchases. By default, "new" items have no Activity.


The Item Details Activity tab will show details based on the item's type.

Bid History

When using "biddable" items such as Paper Bidding Type, Live Bidding Type, and Online Bidding Type you will see a Bid History listed for the item.


Purchase History

When using items that are "sold" such as For Sale Items you will see a Purchase History for those items.


Manage Activity

When an item has Activity, each entry will have a contextual control menu icon (three vertical dots) at its far-right. Depending on if the Activity is a Bid History or a Purchase History will affect what options are available in the control menu.

Bid History Controls

The Bid History Controls allow you to Splitting Bids, How To Promote Or Demote Bids, Edit Bids, How To Transfer Transactions, and Delete the bid. Clicking any of the control menu entries will trigger the appropriate functions.


Purchase History Controls

The Purchase History Controls are very similar to the Bid History Controls with the exception there is no "Promoting or Demoting Bids".


Delete Activity

If you choose to Delete an activity entry you will be provided with a confirmation window before proceeding.


Click the Continue button to proceed. This cannot be undone!

Export Individual Sales

As a special case, For Sale Items have an additional Activity related option under Exporting & Printing (in the sidebar) that allows you to Export Individual Sales for the specific item as an XLS formatted file.


Clicking the button will immediately start the process and download the file in your browser.


Using the Export Individual Sales on a Raffle Ticket item will provide you with a list of buyers of that item. This list might be further reviewed and could potentially be used in a raffle "drawing" external to Auctria.

Last reviewed: March 2023