Item Details

The Item Details page shows the item being viewed.

How Did I Get Here?

From the main event dashboard, click through Items (in the left sidebar), then click the All Items button to show a list report of all items in the event. Locate the item in your list and double-click on it to open its specific Item Details page.


An example of the Summary tab of an item taken from a demonstration event.
  • There is the main Summary page for the general information about the item.
  • An Images/Links tab where you can upload images and provide links to videos that will be embedded in the participant-facing "Item Details" Event Website page. If the item has been marked as a ** Basket ** item, a Contents tab will also be available.
  • The Activity tab where you can see the participant activity.
  • The History tab shows an audit trail of changes to an item and related transactions.
Event Website


The Summary tab lets you edit the information associated with the item. The sections available for Item Types are fairly consistent, although there are some exceptions. Please review the appropriate item type under the Item Details> Summary section of this User Guide for more details.

Item Types
Item Summary


An example of an Images/Links tab from a demonstration event.

The Images/Links tab allows multiple images to be uploaded. It also enables external website addresses to be added for an item. Addresses that point to a YouTube or Vimeo video will embed the video into the item's Event Website participant-facing Item Details page.

Images and Links
Event Website
Item Details


The Contents tab only appears for "basket" items.


An example of a Contents tab from a demonstration event.
Baskets and Packages
Item Details


The Activity tab shows bidding and sales activity for the item.


An example of an Activity tab from a demonstration event.

Additional options are available to modify bids as needed.

Splitting Bids
Demote to not winning


The History tab shows an audit trail of item information.


An example of a History tab from a demonstration event.

Last reviewed: June 2024
Item Details