
Auctria supports events and bidders worldwide, and their start and end times for bidding are crucial. There are several places where timezones come into play:

  1. when entering online bidding, start and end times;
  2. some elements allow you to specify a start, end, time, and,
  3. when defining the Organization's timezone.

When viewing or entering a date/time into Auctria, you will always see the value in your current timezone, determined by your browser's settings.



When a bidder views the times online, they also see them in their timezone. If a bidder on the East Coast sees an end time of 12:00AM (midnight, in their local time), a bidder on the West Coast will see 9:00PM (in their local time).

Suppose you are organizing an event that will be in a different timezone from the one you are in. In that case, you should enter the bidding start and end times adjusted for your timezone.

For example, if you are organizing an East Coast event from the West Coast, you would want to enter the end time as 9:00PM since it will be entered in PST (Pacific Standard Time) to have the bidding end at 12:00AM EST (Eastern Standard Time).

Organization Timezone

You can also specify a timezone for the Organization. Follow the Organization menu item from the Auction Dashboard to access the Organization's DETAILS tab and set the timezone in the Settings panel. See Details page for more information.


This "Timezone" setting is only used when the system needs to generate a date/time and doesn't know the timezone it will be viewed in. For example, we don't see the bidder's timezone when creating an email. We will format the closing time using the Organization's timezone.

Last reviewed: March 2024
More information about how timezone setting used in Auctria.