On This Page

Access My Profile

You can find Your Account actions by clicking the My Profile link under your main options menu at the top-right corner of the main Auction Dashboard.


An example from a demonstration event.


You must have signed into Auctria using your email/password credentials to access this options menu. Using a Participant Access Code will only provide you access to the Auction Website and your My Account page (for the specific event).

Under your Profile dashboard page, you will find general Account functions such as Change Password, Sign in via Facebook, and Delete Account; Email related functions; and a Create New Organization button.


An example Profile dashboard page.

Please see Your Profile for more information.

Your Account

Change Password

Clicking on the Change Password Action will pop up the Change Password window.


If you do not know your current password, you would need to sign out of Auctria and then use the "Forgot your password?" link on the main sign-in page -- following this linkopen in new window will help.


NOTE: This will accomplish the same goal as changing your password.

Sign in via Facebook

Clicking on the Sign in via Facebook link will open a Facebook.com website page where you must approve the connection to your Facebook account.


If you change your mind, click the "Cancel" link to not sign in via Facebook.

Delete Account

Clicking the Delete Account link will open a Delete Account confirmation window.


To remove your account, you must type YES into the box and click on the "Continue" button. If you change your mind, you can click on the "Cancel" link.


By deleting your account, you will no longer be able to log in with that email/password credential set, but it will not remove any information associated with a specific event since there may be transactions tied to those events.

You need to contact the event organizer directly to be removed from old events. Please note the organizers may need to retain some record of the account, for example, in the case of requirements for tax purposes.


View Email History

Clicking on this will open the account's Message History page.


An example Message History page.

Email Preferences

Clicking on this will open the Email Settings page, where you can control which emails are sent to your email address on file.



It is strongly recommended that you do not disable the Auctria.com email options, as these will affect the System Email Notifications and other related system emails.

System Emails Summary

Send Sign-in Email

Clicking this will trigger sending a Participant Access email with a button to click (or a link to follow).


An example Access Email from the Send Sign-in Email action.

Last reviewed: May 2024
Access My Profile
The My Profile Page contains information about the participant.