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Auctria Dashboards

This feature set allows you to change the columns used in almost all reports and list views of items, participants, donors, etc.

Sometimes, multiple pieces of data need to be changed at once. The Mass Changes function provides this utility.

Often, only a single quantity is available for an item to be won, although there are cases where you may have more than one available for your participant to win.

This page focuses on if and/or when a Notification is sent from the Auctria platform, whether it will be sent by email and/or via (optional) Text Message, and more.

Online Bidding

Often referenced for the Online Bidding Period start and end time settings as well as Online Bidding Behavior, Bid Extension Rules, and default participant Notifications.

When setting up an online bidding event, you will generally also set up the Online Bidding Period or default online start and end times for bidding.

A comparison of Online Bidding (digital only) events versus Paper Bidding (paper-based, in-person event) events and how they can work together.

Online Sales

Compare the most common approaches when Selling Items using a For Sale Item type or a Buy It Now Only configured Biddable (Paper, Live, or Online) type item.

The Online Purchase Behavior option in Auctria handles how For Sale items and Donation items are added to the "shopping cart" or if they go "on account" for the Participant.

Website Editor

A collection of articles explaining the features and functions of Auctria and how to insert them into the event website.

Changing the types or conditions used to display items in your auction catalog (Item Catalog) is easy using the Conditions options available.

Often used about enabling Online Registration and related information such as Online Payment Options, Meal Choices, and Contact Options for participants at an event.

Some Notable Feature References

  • After Event Sales
    Managing items left after an event has ended.
  • An Event With Ticket Sales
    Your organization can have an event with a website that allows you to sell tickets for your in-person event.
  • Auctria Voting
    An overview of a straightforward approach to implementing voting in Auctria.
  • Closing Online Bidding
    An overview of the most common steps for closing out your online auction in Auctria.
  • Connectivity
    An overview of common connection related concerns.
  • Coupon Codes
    Coupon Codes allow you to offer a discount for online purchases made by your guests.
  • Dessert Dash
    An overview of the Desert Dash event activity some organizations provide.
  • Event Health Checks
    A reference page for common health checks we can make for you.
  • Fund-A-Need
    An overview of how many events hold a Fund-a-Need section where guests can donate money to either specific projects or to the event more generally.
  • How To Give Event Credits
    How to recognize external payments and loyalty rewards.
  • In-Person Events
    Some common features and functions used during an Auctria In-Person event.
  • Linking Versus Merging Participants
    Auctria allows you to link or merge participants. Linked participants can be Unlinked; Merged participants cannot be un-merged.
  • Monitor Auction
    The Monitor Auction will open a new browser tab displaying an overview-style page of your current event.
  • Online Pre-Bidding Versus Online Bidding Only
    This concept is about the ideas behind bidding for items before an in-person event where the bidding will be completed often on paper but sometimes with the assistance of an auctioneer.
  • Participant Numbers
    Having Participant Numbers assigned to your registered guests is recommended, although it is not a requirement in most cases.
  • Peer To Peer
    Most "Peer To Peer" activities are based on allowing participants to support a person or team in helping raise funds for a specific event.
  • Pricing Examples
    A collection of example pricing policy approaches some events have used.
  • Registered Credit Cards
    With integrated credit card processing enabled, bidders will be able to have a registered credit card.
  • Review Duplicate Emails
    An overview of what happens when duplicate emails are found in Auctria.
  • Sharing Participant Numbers
    It is possible to have multiple participants share a paddle number if they are bidding together.
  • Taxable Value
    If you are a registered charity, bidders may be eligible to claim a tax deduction for their donations to the event.
  • Timezones
    More information about how timezone setting used in Auctria.
  • Tracking Online Donations
    An overview of how to track donations made via the event website.
  • Where Tags Can Be Used In Auctria
    Detailed information on where you can use tags within Auctria.

Last reviewed: June 2024
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