Key Topic: Activate Tickets

The Deactivated Tickets section, located in the participant record's Tickets tab, is where you can reactivate a deactivated ticket.

See Key Topic: Deactivate Tickets for more information on deactivating tickets.

Reactivating Tickets

To reactivate a ticket, locate it in the Deactivated Tickets section, then click on its options menu (at the far right of its row). From the menu, select the Activate Ticket option.


An example from a participant record Tickets tab in a demonstration event.

Clicking the Activate Ticket option will open a confirmation window.


An example from a participant record Tickets tab in a demonstration event.

Clicking Continue will re-add the newly activated Ticket back into the Tickets Purchased section.


An example from a paricipant record Tickets tab in a demonstration event.


It's important to note that while the Ticket may have been re-added to the Tickets Purchased, any guest details that were previously associated with the Ticket will no longer be included.

Last reviewed: June 2024
Key Topic: Activate Tickets
An overview of activating tickets to reactivate deactivated tickets.