Tables And Seating

The Auctria platform provides a limited Tables And Seating feature set, often used with in-person events to manage Tables and Seating assignments.


From the main event dashboard, click through the Participants entry in the left sidebar and then the Tables entry under the Participants Dashboard sidebar actions menu to get to the Tables functions.


An example taken from a demonstration event.

This will open the Tables page.

Tables Page


An example Tables page from a demonstration event.

Add Table

The Add Table button allows you to manually add a table to your event. Clicking through the Add Table button will open the Add Table page to create a new table.


Add New Table

You can enter the appropriate information to identify your new Table as needed.

  • Table
    • The Table# will be assigned automatically starting at 1.
    • Adding additional tables will increase this value by 1.
    • You can also hand-craft the Table# values for easier identification.
    • The Table# will appear in check-in views.
    • You can use the Description of the Table to identify it to yourself or your guests. You can print this information
    • The Seating value is the seats assigned to this Table.
  • Notes
    • You can use the Notes text box to make internal notes about the specific Table for the organizers. These are not printable.

After entering the appropriate information and clicking the Save Table button under the sidebar actions menu, the system will return you to the Add Table page.

Clicking through the Back to Tables action or starting from the main Event Dashboard, you can reach the Tables dashboard, which now shows your existing tables.


An example of a manually created Table listed on the Tables Dashboard.

Tables can be created anytime; guests need not have registered for the event or have any specific ticket sales to account for before adding appropriately sized tables.

Modify Table

To Modify A Table, click on the "pencil" icon at the far right of a row in the table list. This will open the Table Details page for the specific Table, where you can change the information you are using, such as the number of seats assigned to the particular Table or even the table number.


An example using the manually created Table noted above.

Delete Table

This action is not reversible.
If you delete a table, you must re-add the Table AND re-seat any guests.

To Delete A Table, click on the X at the far right of the row in the table list. Alternatively, you can modify the Table and click on the sidebar menu Delete Table entry. Clicking either of these options will pop up a confirmation window.


Clicking Continue will complete the process, and clicking Cancel will close the pop-up and return you to the screen you were viewing.

See How To Assign Seating for information on adding your guests to their specific tables.

Seating Report

From the main Event Dashboard, click through Participants and then Tables under the participant dashboard's Actions sidebar menu to open the Tables page. Then, click through the Seating Report entry of its Actions sidebar menu.


An example of a Tables dashboard from a demonstration event.

This will open the Participant Seating list report displaying several rows equal to the total number of Guests seated.


An example taken from a demonstration event.

This report can also be found from the main Event Dashboard by clicking through Reports Participant Seating Assignments.


Back to Participants

Clicking this entry returns you to the Participants Dashboard page. See Participant Dashboard for more information.

Last reviewed: July 2024
Tables And Seating
The tables and seating feature set provides in-person events with limited Tables and Seating assignments and management.