Item Reports


These are the Item focused reports currently available.

Event Items

  • All Items (Current Event) All items in the current event
  • All Items (All Auctions) All items with donor details across all events
  • Items By Solicitor Items with solicitor and donor information
  • Catalog Contents Item details as they are shown in the catalog


  • Basket contents Partial lot items showing which basket they are in
  • Package contents For sale items that are packaged into baskets

Solicited Items

  • Solicited Items Details of all items entered via the Solicited Items form on the website

Winning Bid Details

  • Winning Bidder Details Details of all the winning bidders for each item
  • Winning Bidder Details (Detailed) More detailed view of all the winning bidders for each item
  • Item Won Summary Summary report of total amount won/sold for each auction item
  • Unwon Summary Bidding items withut winners

Bid Details

  • In Progress Items Items that are still unsold but have current bids
  • All Bids Shows full bid history (including superseded bids)
  • Bidding Summary By Items Summary of full bid history by item
  • Reserve Price Summary Summary of bidsabove the reserve price on items

Auctria Pro-Tip from Launch Services!

To download all Item Activity as an Excel file use the Export Data feature.

Last reviewed: February 2023
Item Reports
Item reports for Events Items, Baskets/Packages, Solicited Items, and Bid Details.