Why So Many Emails?

How many emails will I receive when a ticket is sold?
Why do I get three emails when I sell a ticket?

You may find that you receive several emails about the purchase, especially when testing the Sell Tickets feature. This will usually be three emails in the default case, mainly if you use your Organizer's Contact Details (or Bcc email) email address. The emails being received should be the following:

  1. A purchase receipt for the ticket (as the purchaser of the ticket);
  2. An E-Ticket (with Paddle# notification) sent to the purchaser; and,
  3. A participant activity notification is sent to the Organizer's email address.

If a participant purchases a ticket from the event website, they will only receive the first two emails.

  • Email #1 is automated and cannot be disabled.
  • Email #2 can be disabled via the Tickets dashboard Ticket Options section. Disable Send tickets by email to guests option to not send this email.
  • Email #3 can be disabled via the Registration/Checkout Notifications section. Disable Notify organization of participant activity will not send this email.

Recommended Reading

See Organization Contact Information and System Email Notifications for more information.

Last reviewed: June 2024
Why So Many Emails?