Add New Participant


In Auctria, we use the term "Participant" to inclusively represent anyone who contributes to the event, whether it's through bidding, purchasing, or donating.

To add a new participant, from the main Event Dashboard, click Participants and then click Add New Participant under the Participants Dashboard sidebar actions menu. This will open the Add Participant page.


An example from a demonstration event.

Add Participant

The Add Participant page is used by organizers to register participants directly.


Using the Add Participant function will always add a new participant.
Adding a new participant with this function will not trigger any System Email Notifications.


The only required field for participants using this approach is Last name. You can provide other participant information as needed. Providing as much information as possible is still strongly recommended, including an email address for the participant. The email address is recommended to be unique to each participant if possible.

It is recommended to provide a Paddle# or let the system automatically assign a Paddle# for your guests to use as needed. Also, the linking and merging functions of Auctria will require participants to have a Paddle# assigned for them to work. Otherwise, the participant number field can optionally be left blank.

Participant Panel

Each participant in your auction is given a participant number (often displayed as Paddle # in the application).


The new participant form.

Auctria Pro-Tip from Launch Services!

Participant numbers are not required to be strictly numbers.
You can also use letters or any mix that suits your event.

The Participant panel has fields for the following information:

  • Paddle # -- Optional
    This value is required for linking and merging participants. It is often used internally. However, it is quite commonly used when a "Paddle Raise" is part of an in-person event.
  • First name
    This is the participant's first name. It can be left blank.
  • Last name -- Required
    This is the participant's last name; when a company is registered, it can be used as the company name.
  • Email -- Strongly Recommended
    This is used for Communication features and as part of the Participant log in credentials along with a password the participant sets themselves.
  • Phone Number
    This is typically use for "land-line" telephone numbers with the intent it will not be used for SMS texting messages.
  • Cell Phone Number
    This is a number to accept text bids from and text notifications, for example when the guest is outbid.
  • Checked in? -- Checkbox
    This is an informational item and does not specifically trigger any actions within Auctria.
  • Additional participants
    Use this field to enter the names of any other people bidding with this same participant number.
    This field is purely informational. See Sharing Participant Numbers for additional reference.
  • Seating preference
    An information only field to be used as needed.
  • Guest of... (advanced)
    This is a drop-down selector of the currently registered participants and should only be changed if moving the participant from one admission tickets purchaser to another.
  • Tags
    You can use "Tags" for organizational and reporting purposes. If existing tags are available, clicking in the field will provide an auto-populating search. You can also add new tags as needed.

See the Optional Information section below for more details on these fields.

Address Panel

Suppose you will be mailing information or require physical locations for your participants. In that case, you can enter address details in the Address panel.


The address fields are all simple text fields. Information will need to be manually entered on this page as required.

Other Panel

The Other panel contains additional information fields for the participant.


  • Company
    If the participant represents a company, or organization, you can record this information here.
  • Meal choice
    If "meals" are being offered at the event, you can choose the participant meal from the drop-down selector. See Meal Choices for more information.
  • Reference
    If you have participant information in another system, you might use this field to cross reference it.
  • Notes
    This is an internal field only and not displayed by default.

The Company, Reference, and Notes fields are for informational purposes only. These particular fields and not specifically acted upon by Auctria.

Credit Card Panel

If the Credit Cards integration feature set is enabled, you can register the participant's credit card in this panel.


If there is a USB credit card swiper connected to the computer, and if the swipe is successful, the credit card number and its expiration date will populate the appropriate fields in the Credit Card panel. See Credit Card Readers And Swipers for more information.

Only the credit card number and expiration date are read when using a credit card reader. The Card Verification Code (CVC, aka CCV) (found on the back of most credit cards) is absent on the magnetic strip. It will not be available by swiping the card.

If you do not have a card reader, you can manually enter the credit card number information. Using Credit Card Readers And Swipers is entirely optional.

Optional Information

First nameThe participant's first name
EmailIf provided, the email address will allow statements to be sent electronically. See Participant Statements for more information.
Phone numberThe participant's phone number.
Cell phone numberThe participant's cell phone number. This can be used as part of text based bidding.
Additional ParticipantsIf other people will be bidding under this participant's name, but do not have their own participant record then you can enter their names here. These will be shown on the participant's statement.
Checked InIf selected, indicates that the participant has checked in. See Check-In Participants for more information.
Seating preferenceA participant's seating preference is usually entered by the participant during online registration if that option is enabled.
Meal choiceSelect the meal that the participant has chosen.
CompanyIf the participant is representing a company, you can enter the company name.
ReferenceAdd any extra information you need to track about this participant. If you are importing participant information from another system then this can be used to store an internal id within that system.
Guest ofThe name of another participant who invited or bought the ticket for this participant. With the ticket sales feature this field will be filled automatically when selling tickets.
TagsAdd tags to help categorize and identify the participant. See Where Tags Can Be Used In Auctria for more information.

When you are done entering information, click the Save Participant button. The window will refresh to allow you to quickly add another participant.

The sidebar "actions" menu allows you to Save Participant as well as linking to the Participant List report page, Participant Check-in page, and a link back to the Participants Dashboard by clicking Back to Participants.


Also to note, every time you save a participant they will appear at the top of the window in the Recently Registered Participants panel.

More Ways To Add Participants

  • Copy Participants from a previous event.
  • Duplicating an existing participant.
  • Selling Tickets via the auction website or the auction dashboard.
  • Participant "self-registration" via the auction website; see the Registration/Checkout section of the User Guide for more details.
  • Importing participants using, for example, an Excel spreadsheet.

Last reviewed: September 2023
Add New Participant
Auctria allows you to add new participants directly from the dashboard.