Upgrade License

We always want the organizations using the Auctria platform to be more successful than they hoped or expected. However, the correct License may only sometimes be apparent when planning the event and signing up for the Auctria platform.

If you still need to sign up, please visit our online storeopen in new window.

Event Dashboard Upgrading

You can upgrade anytime from the main event dashboard by clicking on Organization and then on License. This will take you to the License page.


As seen with an example Explorer Plan license, the Emerald Plan will have a very similar view.

Clicking on the Upgrade Now button will take you to the checkout page of our online store, where the appropriate next-tier plan has already been selected. Following this method will automatically upgrade your License immediately once the payment has been processed.

Manually Upgrading

Suppose you choose or have an ancient license that does not have a direct upgrade path. In that case, you can purchase a license from our online storeopen in new window and then use the Apply License Action to upgrade your License, see Apply License for more details on this.


The License applies to the organization only; it is not explicitly connected to the email address of the license purchaser.

Last reviewed: July 2024
Upgrade License
Learn how to upgrade your Auctria license.