How To Create A New Organization As A Participant
If you were involved with an event presented on the Auctria platform as a participant and decided it would work well for your next fundraiser, you will need to create a New Organization. You can continue with the same email address or use a new one that better represents the organization. See the First Steps guide for more information if using a new email address.
This guide covers the following steps:
Suppose you continue using your current logged-in participant email address when you log in to Auctria. In that case, you will likely see the current event website where you are a registered participant. The event website is often the most straightforward page on which to find the Your Profile link.
When starting From The Current Event Website, you can create a new organization by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on your email address in the bottom right corner to open the menu.
Clicking on the Your Profile link in the menu will open the Your Profile page.
Now, click the Create New Organization button at the bottom of the left side to start the process. For additional references, please review the First Steps page.
Last reviewed: June 2024