Sales Tax

You can collect Sales Tax on the items you sell and generate reports showing the amount collected.


The Sales Tax feature requires a paid license with Auctria. For more information about our licenses, please see our Pricing Pageopen in new window.

Video: Using Sales Tax

Auctria Video

Sales Tax Options

  • Track up to 3 separate Sales Taxes per "category."
  • Add Sales Taxes on top of bid amounts (Exclusive mode), or calculate and include it as part of the overall bid amount (Inclusive mode). See Sales Tax Mode for more information.
  • Limit the Sales Taxes calculation to the item's value rather than the total bid.
  • Apply Sales Tax to the item's value even if the participant bids more.
  • Assign different items to different Sales Tax "categories."
  • Mark participants as being "tax-exempt."

Set a Taxable Value on an item. This will be the maximum amount to which the sales tax will be applied. A winning bid or purchase amount more than the Taxable Value would be considered a Donation, exempt from Sales Tax.

Add Sales Tax Category

Clicking this action opens the Add Sale Tax Category page, where you can add your various taxes if you are recording them for your event. See Sales Tax Categories for more information.

Recalculate Sales Tax

The Recalculate Sales Tax Action will update your sales tax values assigned to items based on the current values you have set in your Sales Tax Categories.

The Sales Tax on an item is applied when a bid is recorded for the item; if you make any changes to the Sales Tax Category settings, you must use the Recalculate Sales Tax Action to update the values that have been assigned to the item before the change.

After clicking the Recalculate Sales Tax Action, a pop-up progress window will appear and close when the action has been completed.


Last reviewed: October 2023
Sales Tax
You can calculate the Sales Tax to collect on the items you sell and generate reports showing the amount collected.