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Build Baskets

This page will let you Build Baskets by item#.


When you click on Build Baskets, all the partial items with an item# matching the pattern A.B will be moved into the basket with item# A. You can choose to create these baskets if the item doesn't exist.

For a basket item, you can also add items to baskets through the Contents tab of the Item Details page. See Basket And Packages for more details.


  • Create the basket items if they don't already exist and a partial references one This will create a basket item for a partial to be added to. In the "Examples" below, this could create the Basket Items 1001 and Basket_Two.

  • Remove any partial items from a basket that no longer match based on item# This will remove items that no longer have a basket to be added to as content. In the "Examples" below, this would remove items 1001.4 and Basket_Two.Partial_D.

  • Ensure that all items that match the pattern A.B are set up as partial items. This option would set the Item Type for each A.B formatted item number to Partial.


Below are examples of items that have been added to the system. The Item# column represents an item# of either a Basket item or a Partial item, and the Reference column indicates how the item would be processed when using the Build Baskets action.

Numeric Item# Values

1000Basket item# 1000
1000.1Partial item# 1000.1 for Basket item# 1000
1000.3Partial item# 1000.3 for Basket item# 1000
1001.4Partial item# 1001.4 for Basket item# 1001

Using the Build Baskets action with the above example (and the settings seen in the screen capture above) would build Basket Item# 1000 with contents of Item# 1000.1 and Item# 1000.3. Item# 1001.4 would not be added to a basket (item# 1001) as one was not set to be created and does not match the existing basket item# 1000.

Alphabetical Item# Values

Basket_OneBasket item# 'Basket_One'
Basket_One.Partial_APartial item# 'Basket_One.Partial_A' for Basket item# 'Basket_One'
Basket_One.Partial_CPartial item# 'Basket_One.Partial_C' for Basket item# 'Basket_One'
Basket_Two.Partial_DPartial item# 'Basket_One.Partial_D' for Basket item# 'Basket_Two'

Using the Build Baskets action with the above example (and the settings seen in the screen capture above) would build Basket Item# Basket_One with contents of Item# Basket_One.Partial_A and Item# Basket_One.Partial_C. Item# Basket_Two.Partial_D would not be added to a basket (item# Basket_Two) as one was not set to be created, and it does not match the existing basket item# Basket_One.


The basket and partial items can also be a mixed alpha-numeric combination of characters, provided the A or 'Basket' item is the prefix for the 'partial' or B item number used.

Last reviewed: March 2023
Build Baskets