Peer To Peer

Most Peer To Peer events are based on allowing participants to support a person or team in helping raise funds for a specific event.

This can generally be handled like a Fund-A-Need event using specific Donation Items for each person or team involved in the event. These Donation Items are best set up using the Donation Element and configuring the items using its Donation Items Mode to allow for easier tracking.


The Cash Donation Mode records "cash" donations and does not provide for tracking with the exact details as using the Donation Items Mode.

Example: Team Captains

For example, your event may have Team Captains who would serve as their team's primary contact point. The teams are raising funds for their local library. You may be having a friendly competition amongst your Team Captains, with their reward for raising the most funds being their choice of the primary genre of books the library will be acquiring.

In this case, Team Fox wants to have more biographies to choose from for their efforts. This is likely to be part of the information you provide for the Donation Item.


An example of a possible Table Caption item for Team Fox's team -- note the custom Item #.

Team Fox can now share her Team Captain "link" with her team and donors, using the item# TeamFox as a shortcut to the item details page.


An example using a URL along the following lines
(provided the event was named "Library Book Drive 2023").


You can use the default Item# generated by Auctria and then use that specific Item# as the shortcut value in the URL. However, using a Custom Item # may help the Team Captains share their specific Donation Item more easily.

Similar items could be created for Team Koala's Cooking team, Team Giraffe's Science Fiction team, and the other Team Captains for the event. You can then simply allow your Team Captains and their teams to share the direct links and display them all together, for example, on the event website.


An example page with the current "Team Captains" displayed together.
  • You can further enhance your Peer-To-Peer events by adding Profile Cards to the website and using the Profile Card Social Bar element's website address link to point to their Team Captain's relevant item.
  • You might also consider leveraging the Donate An Item Website Element form to draw in more Team Captains for the event by allowing them to sign themselves up.

Last reviewed: June 2023
Peer To Peer
Most "Peer To Peer" activities are based on allowing participants to support a person or team in helping raise funds for a specific event.