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Message - AVS Mismatch

The Authorize.Net AVS mismatch message is often due to the registered credit card in Auctria being saved with an old or incorrect address.


An example message from the credit card transaction Confirmation tab.

The AVS mismatch message may occur if you are trying to use a registered Credit Card that originally had a different address. Auctria does not have a mechanism to update the address associated with the customer record within Authorize.Net, this is saved when the card is first registered.

Possible Solutions

  1. You can change the settings within Authorize.Net to not require an address match to process a charge. This would prevent the problem arising in the future.
  2. You can find the customer within Authorize.Net's Customer Information Manager and update the address manually for them.
  3. You can remove the registered card in Auctria and send then a new Statement so they can go online and pay and it will pick up the new address.

Last reviewed: July 2024
Message - AVS Mismatch