Mobile Device Locking

Advanced Feature - Support May Be Limited


It is strongly recommended to always have Kiosk Mode Bidding devices monitored by an organizer when holding in-person events.

When using Kiosk Mode Bidding Setup or any other Kiosk Mode feature set on an unattended device, it is recommended the device be locked to help insure the Kiosk Mode functions are not interrupted. Both Apple and Android devices provide for this with built-in functionality.


Kiosk Mode Bidding is often best used with a mobile device, often referred to as a "tablet", such as an iPad or similar device.

Apple iOS Guided Access (advanced)

Guided Access limits your iOS device to a single app and lets you control which features are available. You can turn on Guided Access when you use your device for Kiosk Mode Bidding Setup, or when accidental gestures might distract you.

See Use Guided Access with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touchopen in new window for more information.

Android Screen Pinning (advanced)

Guided Access is a kind of catch-all term for functionality that lets users lock one app to the screen of their device so other apps are inaccessible or unusable.

On Android devices, this is actually referred to as Screen Pinning. When enabled, all parts of the pinned app can be used as normal, but users cannot return to the home screen, open the app switcher, or switch to the previous app until Screen Pinning is disabled.

See How to Use Guided Access on Android Phonesopen in new window for more information.

Windows Kiosk Mode (advanced)

Windows supports a Kiosk Mode although not in all versions.

From the Microsoft "Docs" website:

A single-app kiosk uses the Assigned Access feature to run a single app above the lock screen. When the kiosk account signs in, the app is launched automatically. The person using the kiosk cannot do anything on the device outside of the kiosk app.

As referenced here: Set up a single-app kiosk on Windows 10/11open in new window

Last reviewed: February 2023
Mobile Device Locking