Template Reference

This page lists the fields you can use in a template to merge information.

Different forms start from different tables:

FormTable Context
Bidder StatementBidder
Bidder Mailing LabelsBidder
Display PagesItem
Donor ReceiptsDonor
Donor Mailing LabelsDonor

Table Reference

See the following pages for details about specific tables:

Properties Reference

Different expressions are influenced by properties

CollapseIf the expression is null, remove the containing paragraph if it is also empty{ { AdditionalBidders # Collapse } }
HeightSet the image height.
Left(Applies to images) Distance to left edge of the image.{ { Image:Logo # Left=16 } }
MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginTop, MarginBottom(Applies to images) Margin(s) around the image.
NoCentsDisplay currency values without "cents" portion, e.g.: $23 instead of $23.00{ { Value # NoCents } }
NoZeroIf an expression evaluates to 0, don't display anything.{ { Taxable # NoZero } }
TimestampFormatFormat string for how timestamps are generated. See Custom date and time formatsopen in new window for full set of allowable options.{ { CreatedAt # TimestampFormat=dd-MMM } }
Top(Applies to images) Distance from top of image.{ { Image:Logo # Top=16 } }
WidthSet the image width.

Last reviewed: March 2023
Template Reference