Bidder Details

The Bidder Details page shows the contact information, registered credit card, activity, audit record, and other information about a bidder separated across the Summary, Images, Tickets, Raffle Tickets, Activity, and History tabs.


The Summary tab allows you to edit the information associated with the bidder as well as it shows the bidder's Current balance.


An example bidder (and sponsor) from a demonstration event.


To edit the Bidder Details sections, use the pencil icon to open the panel and the checkmark icon to save your changes. See Edit Information for more details.


The Bidder panel allows you to modify the bidder's name and provides a reference to the related guest details.


An example bidder (and sponsor) from a demonstration event.
  • Bidder #
    This is the current bidder# and can be edited as needed.
  • First name
    The bidder's first name (it can be left blank and often will be if the bidder is a "company").
  • Last name
    When a bidder is acting on behalf of a company, the Company's name should be used here; otherwise, the bidder's last name goes here. This field is considered as required.
  • Nickname
    This can be used as a customizable alias for the bidder allowing them to identify themselves by a common "nickname" or something that only they recognize.
  • Additional bidders
    Enter the names of any other people bidding with this number.
  • Guest of
    The bidder/purchaser of the event tickets can be selected from the drop-down selector as needed.

Contact Information

The Contact Information panel allows you to modify the bidder's contact details.


  • Email
    This will be used as the primary contact detail where most notifications and other bidder relevant information will be sent. This field should be considered as required.
  • Phone Number
    This can be used as a secondary contact telephone number as needed.
  • Cell Phone Number
    This will be the telephone number used with the Text Messages feature set. This field will be filled as the "phone number" for bidder online registration.


The Address panel allows you to modify the bidder physical address details. These would be used as the default if the organization is "shipping" items to bidders. This information is optional.


  • Address line 1
  • Address line 2
  • City
  • State/Province
  • Zip/Postal code
  • Country


The Other panel provides more information details that can be modified.


  • Company
    If this bidder represents a company, or organization, and you want to save that information you can record it here.
  • Reference
    This field is commonly used when you have bidder information in another system and want to cross-reference it.
  • Website Address
    This can be a personal website or company website. The address should be entered with its full HTTP protocol, for example,
  • Seating preference
    This is an informational only piece of information and is often used for more details about a bidder's seating assignment.
  • Meal choice
    The bidder's meal choice can be entered or selected from the auto-filled drop-down selector.


The Options panel has checkboxes for bidder specific details.


  • Checked in?
    This checkbox indicates if a bidder has checked in, or to check in the bidder if not enabled.
  • Exempt from sales tax
    This check box will exempt the bidder from taxes for all purchases made after it has been enabled.


    The Tax Exempt property should only be changed before any bidding takes place. Sales Tax is applied at the time of the bid and carried foward.


The Notes panel is an informational text field what is not displayed by default and can be used as needed for various additional details about the bidder.


An example taken from a demonstration event.

Recommended Reading

See Unknown link 'EditBidderDetails' and Open Bidder Details for more information about working with the Bidder Details.


The Images tab is only used when a Bidder purchases an item with the Is Sponsorship option checked. These images are manually curated.


An example bidder (and sponsor) from a demonstration event.

To add the bidder's "Sponsorship" image (often their logo) you would click on the Upload New Image button and follow the prompts in the Choose Files window.


This is very similar to the process to Batch Image Upload for items.


The image dimensions are not modifiable once uploaded into Auctria. Please look at Image Sizes in our User Guide for more information.

More Reading

See Adding And Modifying Images under Learning Auctria for more information on working with these bidder details.


The Tickets tab shows all Tickets Assigned as well as Tickets Purchased by the bidder.


An example taken from a demonstration event.

Transfer Tickets

Tickets can be transferred from one bidder to another from the Tickets tab by clicking on the appropriate Transfer Ticket link at the right of each Tickets Purchased row.


An example taken from a demonstration event.

This will open the Transfer Ticket pop-up window.


An example taken from a demonstration event.

Tickets Assigned

In the Tickets Assigned section you can manage these tickets further.


All examples taken from a demonstration event.
  • Send e-ticket Clicking this option will trigger a pop-up confirmation window. img
  • Create new bidder & assign ticket Clicking this option will trigger a pop-up confirmation window. img
  • Deactivate ticket Clicking this option will trigger a pop-up confirmation window. img

Tickets Purchased

In the Tickets Purchased section you can manage these tickets further.


An example taken from a demonstration event.
  • Send e-ticket Clicking this option will trigger a pop-up confirmation window. img
  • Transfer ticket See above under Transfer Tickets.
  • Deactivate ticket Clicking this option will trigger a pop-up confirmation window. img

Raffle Tickets

The Raffle Tickets tab lists all of the bidder's current raffle tickets they have purchased.


An example taken from a demonstration event.


The Activity tab shows a categorized list of details for the bidder's Items Won, Purchases, Donations, Payments, and In-Progress Winning Bids. There are also quick-reference banners at the top of the page indicating the bidder's "amount owing" and their total "in-progress bids".


Total owed = Items Won + Purchases + Donations.
Total paid = the sum of all Payments recorded for the bidder.
  • Items Won
    These items have already been recorded as won by the bidder.
  • Purchases
    These items have been purchased by the bidder.
  • Donations
    These items were designated as Donation items and listed separately for reference.

  • Payments
    These entries represent the payment types as well as the amounts and when they were recorded.
  • In-progress Winning Bids
    These entries show what the bidder is currently "winning".


This History tab shows an audit trail listing of all the changes to the bidder record.


An example taken from a demonstration event.

Bidder Details Sidebar

There are several actions and additional functionality available on the Bidder Details page via the sidebar on the left-hand side of the page.

Access Code

If an Access Code needs to be created, clicking "Assign Access Code" will generate one. See Bidder Access Tokens for more information about using the Access Code.



If the bidder has been assigned to a table, the Tables And Seating reference will be displayed. A quick-link to change the bidder's seating is also available.



Bidders can be assigned Tags for better organizing and/or reporting. See Where Tags Can Be Used In Auctria for more information.

Credit Card

Hovering your mouse pointer over "Credit Card Details" will pop up a window with details referencing the credit card on file. This reference will be either "no card on file" or the last four digits of the card.


  • Bid
    Links to the Record Bid page with the bidder pre-populated on the page.
  • Checkout
    Links to the Checkout page with the bidder pre-populated on the page.
  • Export Activity
    Generates an Excel spreadsheet for the specific bidder and triggers the browser to download it.


All Communication emails will pop up a confirmation window requiring you to click on "Continue" before sending.

  • Send Access Token
    This will send an access code email to the address on file for the bidder.
  • Send e-ticket
    This will send an e-ticket email to the address on file for the bidder.
  • Send tickets statement
    This will send a tickets statement email to the address on file for the bidder.
  • Statement
    • Show Printable Statement - generates a preview of the printed bidder statement.
    • Preview Email Statement - generates a preview of the email bidder statement.
    • Send Email Statement - this will send the "Email Statement" to the address on file for the bidder.
    • Show Small Printable Receipt - generates a preview of a "narrow" formatted bidder statement.


  • Add New Bidder
    Links to the "Register Bidder" page.
  • Duplicate Bidder
    Links to the "Register Bidder" page with some fields pre-populated by the current bidder details.
  • Link Bidders
    Opens a pop up window to "link" two bidders. The bidder# on the bidder you select will be changed to the current bidder number.
  • Merge Bidders
    Opens a pop up window to "merge" two bidders. The bidder you select will be deleted and all their activity moved to the current bidder.
  • Refresh Bidder
    Force refreshes the current bidder details page.
  • Delete Bidder
    Opens a pop up window requiring you to click "continue" before removing the current bidder.

More Reading

See Sharing Bidder Numbers and Linking Bidders Versus Merging Bidders for more information on the Link Bidders and Merge Bidders options.

Last reviewed: October 2023
Bidder Details